Healthy Habits to Protect Senior’s Heart Health

healthy-habits-to-protect-seniors-heart-healthAccording to research, an estimated 85.6 million American adults have one or more types of coronary heart disease—and of these, 43.7 million are over the age of 60. Seniors aged 65 years and older are at a higher risk of suffering a heart attack, having a stroke, or developing coronary heart disease. Fortunately, there are several lifestyle changes to help seniors prevent heart disease and protect their heart health.

  • Eat healthily, sleep plenty, and move daily.
    Make sure seniors’ meals include vitamins, minerals, fiber, colorful fruits, and vegetables. Add high-fiber foods and avoid high-fat dairy or meats too. Increasing their physical exercises during the day will also contribute to better sleep at night. If they need help, a caregiver can assist.
  • Manage stress well.
    In addition to increasing the risk of a heart attack, stress can also trigger high blood pressure and other heart disease risk factors. It’s essential to prevent instances that may stress the seniors, like a cluttered home or dirty dishes in the sink. Caregivers that offer personal care in Arizona can take care of seniors to minimize unnecessary stress in their daily living.
  • Learn more about the symptoms.
    Take note of the most common symptoms of heart issues, including pain, numbness, or tingling sensations, shortness of breath or trouble breathing, chest pain during physical activity, among others. Go to a physician for a regular check-up, too.

Heritage Home Care offers home care in Scottsdale, Arizona. We believe that your loved ones deserve high-quality care to manage their daily activities as independently as possible. Our caregivers are here to provide care and ensure they live a good quality of life. If you need our assistance or services, feel free to contact us at 480-418-4100 today.

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